Friday 31 December 2010

Great Escapes

Kushi has amassed a whopping 24,000 miles in just under twelve months with nominal complaint save for a grumbling ignition coil, suspension arm, bulb and other generic wear and tear. The past few weeks' inclement conditions characterised by snow, ice, sleet and slush and tons of corrosive grit has marked the return of Joe Rot. Rather akin to the pantomime villain, he was somewhat inevitable given I hadn't applied the Neptune green topcoats.
To effect repair now would be counter productive, allowing more destructive and costly corrosion to fester beneath the surface. Regular washings have cleansed the witches' brew while repeated applications of WD40 produce a greasy, protective film until spring permits more permanent repair. I'll take this opportunity to administer further Waxoyl therapy to the chassis components.

Christmas has always been a time of quiet reflection and pro activity- it's a nice relaxed time where psychologically I prepare for the coming year while meeting a few deadlines long ahead of schedule. By the same token, there's only so much drafting, typing and subsequent editing possible before creative fatigue gains the upper hand. In an effort to combat this and remain upbeat in outlook, I made the pilgrimage to Danbury Palace.
Back in the early 1980s it was a management college, of which my father was the director, giving us as children the run of the building and its considerable grounds. Many years later and it looks a shadow of its former self having been purchased and subsequently sold by developers looking to convert the historic and adjoining buildings into luxury leasehold properties. Nature quickly reclaims anything left unattended. The converted stable block and student accommodation beyond these trees are reputedly deteriorating fastest, although it seems heavily patrolled by security guards in response to traveller settlements and vandalism. Leaving only my footprints and taking only photographs is a difficult mantra for this profession to grasp, let alone appreciate. Discussing the finer points of law, specifically that pertaining to trespass (criminal damage is the charge that would be levied) with a profession not renown for its people skills seemed a hiding to nowhere. Spotting a fluorescent jacket, I voted with my steel toes and beat a hasty retreat. Further research rewarded with the developer's details so I will request less restricted access in due course.

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